Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Ghetto Family Photo

I have been thinking that we need to get a family picture taken...

I remember being a kid at a Chuck E Cheese and putting my token in the skeet ball and like only 3 balls came down. I was really grossed out and unimpressed by that place. Since then everytime I heard about that place, I couldn't figure out what people saw in it. Fast forward twenty something years... Seems like we go there often. The kids love it so much. It is actually quite fun for all of us. Can you believe it? We try to do something family fun-ish on Friday nights and Chuck E Cheese seems to be the place where we go when we can't think of anything else. Seems like it has caught on because there was seriously a half hour wait to get in on Friday. For those of you that know me you know that I love a supposed good deal and I love coupons (so much so that my own mother makes fun of me) Here is a link for some super good coupons for this classy joint:
Samuel waiting patiently for his turn on the ride. Notice the baggie in his hand holding his tokens. Doesn't seem like it was that long ago that I kept my money in a plastic baggie.

Eva on a teeter totter ride thing.

P.S. We are not so sick any more. Thank you for all the sympathy. Hope we didn't pick up anything new at Chuck E Cheese. Wouldn't you think this would be the place to catch something? Is that too negative? Here... Hooray for Chuck E Cheese! Hooray for riding tiny rides and playing lots of games that require no skill! Hooray! There, does that balance it out?


Michelle said...

The funny thing is the second I saw the ghetto picture I knew EXACTLY where it came from because we too are C.E.C. junkies. And I'll pray for you about the germ thing because yes, that would be the place to catch something.

Adri said...

Ohhh... I try to avoid that place. My kids love it but we end up spending a small fortune. I get crazy about getting the most tickets. I play the token games more then my kids. It's dangerous for me, I spend a fortune and walk out with a prize that I could have bought at all a dollar. :)

Jamie said...

I'm sure Emi will be celebrating her 3rd bday at C-E-C next month and i'm also a sucker for a good deal (we must have the same Asian gene) so thanks for the tip!

Christina said...

Adri- I get kind of excited about the tickets,too. I keep saying, "Eva, get your tickets!" They don't even care about them. So, I was short on tickets and aske the lady how much the stuff was... a penny each ticket! Can you believe it! We spend 10 bucks to get a lick a stick that you can buy for 40 cents! Funny. I can totally see you getting into it.

Amy said...

So loving the family photo. And, isn't it great that you can get so many tickets from each game . . . and at the end of the night 200 tickets buys a tootsie roll and a 5-cent eraser. Good times. Good times.

Courtney said...

I have to say my new germ hangout that keeps me coming back is Classic skating. Chuck E. Cheese meets bounce house. I am a sucker for anywhere I can take my kids where I don't have to say "don't touch that!"


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