Wednesday, April 14, 2010

st. george more fun

We went to this dinosaur track place.  Samuel wasn't much into dinosaur tracks.  Eva and Karl (and, well, the rest of our tour group) really listened to the guide and Samuel the time with a promise to the gift shop and by taking pictures of Samuel doing silly faces and showing him.
Later, we headed up to Snow Canyon for a short hike that the kids loved.
Samuel is showing off a bone that Eva found.
Our pack.
Samuel would see a hill and say, "I can climb that mountain."  As soon as he got out of the car he took off to try and climb one.  He loved it.
Grandma and Grandpa gave the kids a ride in the convertible and they loved it.

We had such a great time we decided we wanted to stay one more day (we do this a lot).  Luckily, my sister was staying at a hotel down the street and they had their room reserved for one more night and they were leaving.  We took their room and their pool was WAY better.  After the big hike we headed back for a swim.  Well, Karl and the kids swam.  I was so sleepy that I just laid face down on the bed (with the cover down, of course, because growing up my dad ingrained on us kids how gross hotel bed covers are) and planned on joining them.  Before I knew it, they were back.  Whoops.
It was also perfect that their hotel was a hop, skip, and a jump from the outlets.  I love outlets.  I have fond memories of those outlet stores.  
In the morning, I got up and went straight out to the car to get a shirt from the car that I got from the beloved outlet stores.  Didn't brush my hair, didn't change out of my pjs, didn't wash my face...
Of course, I run into a girl that I haven't seen since high school.  She looked great.  I, uh, looked like I just woke up.  It was so weird how many people we ran into down there.  We were sitting down to eat and I go to find my kids and I run into Karl's business partner.  Add that to my sister and her family, a bunch of Karl's cousins, and a couple of girls I went to high school with and it felt pretty crazy.  So fun.
The last day we thought check out time was at 11.  So in a very us fashion, we packed up and were ready a few minutes before 11.  Karl called down to the front desk and asked when check-out was.  This hotel had a 12 o'clock check-out.  So, since we don't like to do anything early, we headed down to the pool.  Karl and the kids in their suits.  Me, with my camera.
It was so fun to watch them and snap pictures...
-Karl jumping in, all excited to splash the kids.
-Karl throwing the kids in the water.  Eva tolerated it.  Samuel LOVED it.
-Samuel's cute plumber bum.
-Samuel caught some serious air.
-When Karl flipped him, we thought he would be mad, but he came up and said, "That was so awesome!" and wanted to do it over and over.
-Karl throwing both the kids and being able to tell so much about their personalities just by watching them take off.
-Samuel getting a ride on Karl's back.
-I love Eva's swim suit. 

The first night in the hotel Samuel did about 20 belly flops on the big bed, ran around the room, and then yelled, "This is the hotel of my dreams!"
On the way home, I pointed out some stinky cows to Samuel and said, "Is that where you want to live?  On a farm like that?"
"But you said you want to live on a farm."
"I don't want to live on a farm anymore.  I want to live in a hotel."


Emily said...

Gah! I want your camera!!!!

There is NO WAY mine will EVER take action shots like that!!!! Those are hilarious and I love Eva's swim suit too.

The family picture is stunning.

Amy said...

Your family is SO much fun! Looks like a great getaway. And, I'm dying to hear more about the sugar free Easter. Do tell.

I'm wondering about changing some traditions - like the one we repeated again just last night called, "I'm so proud of you for singing in that choir concert that I'm taking you out for ice-cream and french fries that will make you fat and unhealthy." These traditions (or, the big basket of candy for Easter) are so ingrained, it's hard to know what to replace them with. I want to not load my kids up with sugar at every holiday, but, I also don't want them explaining to their therapist how I messed them up by being the only mom who didn't shower them with candy at the holidays. Tell me more about how you pulled it off.

pamela said...

hotel bed covers ARE gross - i'm with your dad on that one.

and isn't it amazing how really just about every kid on earth could spend all day at a swimming pool?


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