Samuel's teacher asked me to go to his class to celebrate Samuel's birthday. I show up, and they are eating snack. The teachers tell the kids to finish up and wash their hands. Samuel, instead walks up to the bowl and loads up on more "fishies." The teacher sent home a mobile for us to fill out and put together. Samuel is very loyal to his favorite color, blue. In his self portrait, he says that he was mad. See that blob that is a bear (I forgot my camera, so these are all cell phone photos) in a rainbow outfit? It is the birthday bear. The class has a cute tradition where the birthday kid takes it home for his birthday and then reports back to the class about the bear's experience. Samuel was totally freaked out about the bear. Wouldn't look at it, touch it, let alone take it home. I have no idea why. Tried to ask him and he said, "I don't like everything about it." Miss Julie was explaining the upcoming vision screening. I totally remember this test. Like Seinfeld said, I kind of always wished that the screening person would diagnose that I had super hero eyesight. Look at Samuel practice, it looks like he will pass.
9 months ago
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