Karl finished our mudroom a while ago. We needed a table right inside the door. I had been looking for something super structured, with clean lines, and dark. We were driving home one day and found this for sale on the side of the road. I talked the lady down to $10. It is nothing like what I was looking for. An old sewing table. Samuel brought that "birdie" home from my mom's house and set it on the table. It fits. I have decoration phobia so it will take a while to get something up on the walls.
9 months ago
very cute.
I ALWAYS loved (coveted) your style.
really sweet. When I am there in Dec. we can put some stuff on your walls. I am not afraid. buy some of Kathy's work.... or better yet, buy some of mine! ;)
Do you really have nothing on the walls? I have to see it to believe it. I am missing you right now.
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